Vimu Signal Library User Guide Publish
1,This digital signal processing library, written in the standard C language, is not better optimized for any platform.
2,If you find any bugs or suggestions in use, you can contact us.
Platform support:
windows: x86 x64 amr64;
linux: x64 arm-linux-gnueabi arm-linux-gnueabihf
More platforms, we will add later.
The following window functions are supported:
Rectangle, bartlett, triangular, cosine, hanning, bartlett_hanning, hamming, blackman, blackman_Harris, tukey, Nuttall, FlatTop, Bohman, Parzen, Lanczos, kaiser, gaussand dolph_chebyshev
Support Base 2 fft , Base 4 fft and Split-radix fft
3,FIR and IIR
Supports filtering of FIR and IIR;
FIR and IIR designs can be designed using QFilter, the QFilter and download from
(Multi VirAnalyzer include QFilter ).
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